Become a Corporate Partner with Child Foundation Australia

Child Foundation Australia invites businesses from various industries to join us in empowering the futures of disadvantaged children across Iran. Child Foundation supports the United Nations 2015 Millennium Development Goals to eradicate hunger, promote primary education and gender equality in the classroom. Partnering with us not only contributes to your corporate social responsibility goals but also offers significant tax benefits as we are a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR).

Why Partner with Us?

Tax Benefits

As a DGR entity, your financial contributions to Child Foundation Australia are tax-deductible.

Corporate Responsibility

Enhance your company’s reputation by supporting a cause that has a direct impact on the lives of children in need.


Gain exposure through our marketing channels, events, and publications, demonstrating your company’s commitment to social responsibility.

Each $20 Breaks Chains: Free a Child from Work and Marriage—Keep Them in School.

Partner Categories and Benefits

One-Time Business Donor

  • Minimum Donation:
    Above $500
  • Benefits:

– Public acknowledgment on our social media platforms.
– Recognition as a supporter of disadvantaged children development.
– Your name featured on our website.
– Acknowledgments at all Child Foundation events .

Regular Business Sponsor

  • Minimum Monthly Donation:
    Above $100
  • Benefits:

– Official title as a “Child Foundation Major Sponsor.”
– Prominent placement on our website.
– Social media posts celebrating your support.
– Opportunity to present your advertising materials at our events (subject to approval by our Fundraising Manager).

Child Foundation Friend

  • Engagement Type:
    Non-monetary support (services, resources, etc.)
  • Benefits

– Title and form of recognition customised by our Public Affairs Manager.
– Unique opportunities for engagement tailored to the nature of your contribution.

Our Business Partners