  • Helen - Kermanshah

  • Child file number:
  • Age:
  • Location:
  • School status:
    • Monthly donation need:
      28 AUD
    Child got sponsoredView other Children
    You can choose to pay the entire or part of the required monthly donation (minimum 20 AUD).

    About Helen

    هلن دانش آموز بااستعداد پایه دهم است. او دو خواهر دارد، خواهرش هانا محصل پایه هشتم و خواهر دیگرش نیز متاهل است. والدین به دلیل اعتیاد پدر متارکه کردند و مادر نفقه را در قبال حضانت فرزندان بذل کرده است. وی با مبلغ اندکی که بابت مهریه دریافت کرده بود خانه ای در شهر اجاره کرد. خانواده تحت حمایت موسسه خیریه هستند. وسایل خانه مختصر و ناچیز می باشد. آنها قبلاً در روستا ساکن بودند و از دفترچه درمانی روستایی برخوردارند. خانواده منبع درآمد مکفی ندارند و با یارانه و مقرری یک موسسه خیریه امورات را می گذرانند. با توجه به شرایط فعلی، دانش آموز برای ادامه تحصیل به همیاری و مساعدت نیاز دارد.

    The monthly sponsorship gift is specific for each child and has been calculated based on needs and income among others. Generally, children need between 20-50 AUD per month. You may of course choose to pay the entire or part of the monthly need. Minimum payment is 20 AUD per month.

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    If you become a sponsor:

    A report is sent to your email every 6 months detailing the status of the child’s life as well as his/her performance at school. It sometimes contains a personal letter from the child. Do you want to get more involved? Child Foundation can arrange for phone talks between you and your sponsored child. Child Foundation can arrange for sending gifts as well as in-person meetings, if you wish to travel to the city where the child lives.

    Monthly sponsorship:

    Children have specific needs per month depending on their family situation. Once you fill out the sponsorship form, we will contact you by email for further details. You can choose to pay the entire or part of the required monthly gift. You may choose to stop sponsorship at any time with one month notice.